The first step is to sketch out the basics of what I want the subject to be doing.
In this case, just sitting with her legs closed. I am gonna loosely set up anatomy, clothing, hair style.
Anyone of these can be changed at anytime so I never get too attached to any part of the picture.
Once I have things close to where I want it build-wise, I start to ink. Usually when it comes to this step I feel that I do the bulk of my design work. This is where I do most of the little detail touches.
Once the rest of the subject is inked, I make another layer, and ink the hair separately. I left it visible for this example, so you guys can get a visual to what I am talking about. When the hair is where I like it, i will go back to the original ink layer and erase the unnecessary ink lines from the head and clothing and then merge the two layers together.
Simple step here, create a layer under the inks, and fill with a solid color. Usually I go for a dark dolor to make the character pop just a bit more.
I start with the biggest area to color. In this example that would be the skin. Now I would like to point out that you can start coloring in any manner you wish, this is just a routine I have gotten into.
So while I am applying the flesh tones I also keep in my mind the light source that I want to use for the picture.
Here I have started to move on to the next area, clothing. I keep the flesh tones/fur/etc... on different layers from the clothing, though I will probably keep the jacket/shirt on a different layer than the pants. Also, I am not accustomed to it yet but texturing the clothes is something that I am getting into lately, and it is really pushing my colors I would think.
Part 2 coming soon.
Thank you very much for this!